Sorry if I have offended
your fondness for the holiday and its creative inspiration, but really. My eyes had glazed over by the time I had reached the back of the magazine where all of the ads were and thankfully the call for entries had some interesting challenges! One is entitled, "Fearless". Now that's something I can sink my fangs into! I immediately thought of the first bees wax tag I did. The technique was fearless, but the design was a little static to me (I was not very fearless in my layout- it looks calculated and "safe"- I had no control over the wax at that time so did a very conservative design). So I went back to my pile of fly screening tags and pulled out the next contestant. This time I was going to run with scissors! The bad influence is "Mr Ellis" from an antique copy of the New York Times. You can just make out, "Mr. Ellis says" in my composition.
The word "RuN" was also created by
clippings from the same newspaper. I used the same technique as before- glopping on wax from a dripping candle stub and then melting it off with a heat gun, tipping the tag to control the direction of the drips.
The "Fearless" art entry deadline is not until December 15, so I may just ponder creating another piece or two before mailing. What would you do if you created fearlessly? Somerset Studio wants to know!
Oh, and please be sure to enter my blog-iversary giveaway! I will be picking two winners on Wednesday morning!