Long after the bit of vintage taffeta was used up, I held onto the cardboard spools and packaging, because I just knew they could be repurposed into something wonderful. I just didn't know what, right off. Some things have to clutter up my work space for awhile and be a daily reminder that they have fabulous potential.
I had been toying with how to present this home movie film I found in my basement (abandoned by a previous owner of our house) and the ribbon spools naturally came to mind-- and because I never buried them into a drawer or box, I could find them easily!
Why reinvent the wheel, when 60 years ago, someone brilliant already designed great packaging?
By the way, the film is also pregnant with possiblities!
I have only begun to play with it!
Here I grabbed a button card, with two buttons left hanging on by a thread (literally), and transformed it into a tag.
Film is going the way of printed books in this digital world.
Preserve a piece or two in your art!
Preserve a piece or two in your art!
Perhaps there's a film noir altered book you're working on that needs this kind of authentic element?
Or a classic movies themed ATC series?
I am going to attempt a brooch next.
(You will just have to come back and look now, won't you?)
I am selling the 8mm film in 5 yard lengths in my etsy shop.
You saw it here first!