(ATC posted is by my good friend Holly Shaw).
Yesterday I needed to go to The City to see a pedia dentist about Rebecca's cracked front tooth (a close encounter with our concrete patio) and since the appointment was for 11:30am and I was driving an hour for it, I thought I would bookend it with visiting "city" friends.
My morning visit was with my wonderful, friend Amy. I came with gifts of home made dill pickles, fresh picked tomatoes and cukes and Amish friendship bread starter. Amy had a breakfast waiting of warm butter based bisquits (she never cooks with shortening or margerine!) and organic honey and English breakfast tea and we also did some kombucha tasting (a fermented tea that tastes like hard cider or beer depending on the tea, atmospheric conditions and length of fermentation). An aquired taste, but I am convinced to try making some. It is so rich in the B vitamins, improves your skin, hair, digestion, reduces aging and all that good stuff. After too brief a visit (in which Rebecca did manage to overfed Max's beta so Amy stood at the sink spooning out fish pellets from the bowl while we continued to chat), I left with a kumbucha mushroom swimming in a mason jar and directions for making my own brew. Thanks Amy! I'll let you know how it turns out!
You meet your friend, your face brightens-- you have struck gold. ~Kassia
After Rebecca's dental visit (good news, her tooth is okay to stay in "as is"), I high tailed it to Lynne's, conscious of an hour's drive home yet and needing to meet the school bus at 3:30pm. I warned Lynne, when I called the day before, that I would only be staying for an hour because I had a tight schedule and she had enthusiastically said, "That would be perfect! I would love to see you!" I arrive at Lynne's with more tomatoes and cukes and friendship bread starter and was greeted by her kitchen table set with linens, wedding china, stemmed glasses and teacups- even Rebecca had a place set with lesser ceramic (but still breakable!) pieces. I said with a laugh, "Are you expecting someone?" tears stinging my eyes. I had been stressed about Rebecca possibly needing her tooth pulled prematurely and rushing around on a tight schedule and here Lynne had lavishly provided an oasis of peace and calm. What a blessing! What a friend! A bacon and cheese fritata came out of the oven and Lynne also had made a fruit salad and brewed up some chai tea. Heaven in the midst of a chaotic day! I was so glad I hadn't given in to Rebecca's insistant, "eat out!" every time we saw a Taco bell and McD's on the way to Lynne's. After another too brief visit, and a deep hug from Lynne, I drove home with a warm glow.
Hold a true friend with both your hands. ~Nigerian Proverb
Thank you God for such beautiful friends. Who feed and revive my spirit.
Ohhhhhhhhh. That was a wonderful day! I wish we lived close and you could bring me tomatoes and bread...and pickles. I would pull something together for lunch!!!
I'll just have to send you cool stuff through the mail!
This is so fantastic. xo Nita
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