No sooner did the last one cool (pun intended), than she asked if I would like to participate in another and then BANG! Susan Teter's envelope arrived in the mail.
Susan's envelope was filled with mostly black teas because I think I emailed her my preference
(it all happened SO fast, I forget now! haha).
She apologized for the not-so-exotic selection, but really I prefer good black teas.
Susan is a tea expert and I highly recomment her site.
She sent me a bag of Yorkshire Harrogate (among others!) which I did not even think could be found in the States! The last time I had it it (5 years or more ago), it came to me directly from Great Britain in a tea swap. I kept the empty box for years, hoping I would run across it again.
And now it seems, I can find it, via internet, in Virginia.
Who knew?
Thank you Susan (again) for the spiritual experience of having good tea.
I had a pot of the English breakfast today and was transported!
It was a special blessing that you "happened" to be my swap partner.
Divine Serendipity.
(She has close ups of it on her blog.)
I admired this envelope on her blog and thought,
I admired this envelope on her blog and thought,
"I so envy the person getting this creation!"
Later that same day I read her post,
DOH! The envelope came in the mail to ME!
Don't know whether to hug her or smack her!
Mute point.
She lives in another state.
I had mentioned in my last tea swap post that I could really get used to getting tea in the mail and Marlynn acted on it. Everyone needs a Fairy Godmother or just an incredibly thoughtful friend who surprises you with goodies in the mail!
Is there anyone you can RAK today?
what a GORGEOUS tea bag and gift to boot. Hope you enjoy your tea while road tripping all over bloglandia!! xo,
and - YES there is someone I can RAK!! Thanks for the inspiration....
Wow!! Aren't ya' glad you "played"???? I'll send an email to Susan with a link to your blog!!!
What a fun swap! I spy jasmine tea...that's an excellent choice and oh so yummy.
Marlynn's repurposed TJ bag is so clever. Lucky you!!!
Love that bag/envelope with the cut-out of the flower. What ingenuity!
You certainly have had some great art and tea mail!
Love your Fairy Godmother comment so much too!
Super cool stuff you've got there, fab!! maybe I should give up coffee up afterall, tea's suddenly looking a whole lot better!
Hi Nathalie, you have an award over on The Linen shelf x
What wonderful stuff! I am jealous!!! hee hee Guess I need to get busy...raks!!!
That is a seriously awesome envelope!
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